3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Company Fleet

Spring generally prompts us to tackle cleanup projects around the house. This could range from cleaning out the garage, to touching up the yard, as well as other cleaning and organizing chores.

Spring is also an excellent time of the year for cleanup regarding your vehicle fleet.

1. Right sizing and replacement

Your vehicles now have the strongest market value since last fall. This presents an opportunity to remove and remarket vehicles that are under-utilized and to replace vehicles that are aging. The market demand is strong for used vans and trucks, and used sedan values have increased nicely since winter.

2. Organize your expenses

You can’t manage what you don’t track. If you don’t have a good system in place to manage and monitor vehicle expenses such as maintenance, repairs, and fuel purchases, now is a good time to explore your options. Enroll in a maintenance and fuel program if you haven’t already.

3. Thoroughly clean the vehicles

A clean vehicle runs better, is treated better, and represents your company image better. Organize a plan to have everyone thoroughly clean the vehicle(s) assigned to them. Inside and out, and let them know they will be inspected. Repair any unreported minor body damage that’s discovered at inspection.

These simple spring cleaning suggestions will reduce overall fleet costs and just as with your home, make you feel good as a result of having things in better order.