Vehicle Cycling & Remarketing

Replacement Strategies to Reduce Total Cost of Leasing

Ewald’s fleet management professionals design custom life cycling plans so every vehicle in your fleet runs at optimum performance.

Vehicle Life Cycling with Ewald

Reduced Expenses

We help you balance keeping vehicles for as long as possible and replacing them in a timely manner to prevent unexpected breakdowns and reduce the total cost of leasing.

Data-Driven Decisions

We give you access to vehicle tracking data that takes the guesswork out of when and what types of vehicles to replace.

Increased Fuel Economy

Knowing when to replace vehicles helps improve efficiency in your fleet’s fuel economy to reduce fuel expenses.

Improved Resale Value

Buyers are usually more willing to purchase newer vehicles with lower mileage in better condition than older vehicles.

A Positive Image

We help keep your fleet looking new and well-maintained to boost customers’ view of your business.

Fleet Vehicle Replacement Strategies

Our life cycling professionals can help you determine which strategy is right for you and your business.

Regular Replacement

Replace vehicles on a set schedule, regardless of condition or usage. This ensures all vehicles in your fleet are relatively new, which can improve efficiency and reduce maintenance costs, while offering the latest technologies and features.

Replacement Based on Mileage

Replace vehicles when they reach a certain number of miles driven. This is useful for high-mileage vehicles to help reduce unexpected breakdowns, minimize downtime, and lower maintenance costs.

Replacement Based on Vehicle Age

Replace vehicles when they reach a certain age, regardless of mileage. This is useful for fleets that don’t put significant mileage on vehicles to help improve efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and improve driver safety.

Hassle-Free Remarketing

We can help you sell any fleet vehicles after your lease is up, as well as any vehicles you own outright. This helps improve cash flow, reduce insurance costs, ensure vehicle safety and avoid ongoing maintenance expenses. Our team takes the hassle out of remarketing, ensuring a smooth transition and preventing any downtime due to mechanical issues.


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